Sermons by Book of the Bible
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 John
- 1 Kings
- 1 Peter
- 1 Samuel
- 1 Timothy
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Kings
- 2 Peter
- 2 Samuel
- 2 Thessalonians
- 2 Timothy
- Acts
- Colossians
- Daniel
- Deuteronomy
- Ecclesiastes
- Ephesians
- Esther
- Exodus
- Galatians
- Genesis
- Habakkuk
- Hebrews
- Hosea
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah
- Job
- John
- Jonah
- Joshua
- Leviticus
- Luke
- Malachi
- Mark
- Matthew
- Numbers
- Philippians
- Proverbs
- Psalm
- Revelation
- Romans
- Ruth
Sermons by Speaker
- Aaron Wentz
- Brett Gray
- Cecil Murphey
- Charlie Nunez
- David King
- Don Denyes
- Doug Phillips
- Gary Hashley
- Jake Adkins
- Jerry McDaniels
- Jim Lacy
- Jim Sandburg
- Joe Goodman
- Joe Vondoloski
- Joel Hopkins
- John Murphy
- John Schlaack
- Keith Sova
- Kevin Gebhard
- Levi McClendon III
- Luke Gilkerson
- Matt McCartney
- Matthew Nagel
- Mike Harding
- Mike Hixson
- Pastor Scott Dunford
- Phil Dufrin
- Randy Terrill
- Rock Campbell
- Tim Van Loh
- Wes Taber
Sermons by Series
- Acts: The Gospel Grows
- Acts: The Gospel Moves
- Acts: The Gospel Transforms
- Battlefield Dispatches
- Be Sure
- Busyness and Rest
- Church Controversies
- Church!
- Coming Back
- Communion
- Community
- Elijah: Ridiculous Faith
- Esther & the Silence of God
- Gifted Women
- God's Special Creation
- Hebrews 12 Marks
- Jesus + Nothing = Everything
- Jesus Vs Religion
- Jesus' Story is My Story
- Jesus-Miracle-Worker
- Jesus-Story-Teller
- Know The Living God
- Knowing God
- Missional
- Organic
- Psalms for the Journey
- Psalms for your Life
- Resurrection
- Sing Like Jesus
- The Gift
- The Gospel According to Leviticus
- The Gospel Story
- The Way Through Suffering
- The Whole Story
- The World's Best Love Story
- Weak Made Strong
- What Christians Believe
- What is the meaning of life?
- When God Seems Unfair
- Who Is the Church?
- Who's The Greatest
- Wisdom
- Your God Is Too Small
Pastor Mike Hixson teaches from Matthew 11:1-19.
Pastor Mike preaches from Matthew 10:26-42.
Pastor Mike Hixson gives a Thanksgiving sermon from Matthew 10:26-42.