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  1. What is your all-time favorite meal?  My wife’s venison and homemade noodles
  2. What is your favorite book, movie, and TV series?  How to books (Carpentry/woodworking), Bourne Identity, White Collar
  3. What is your favorite city that you have visited?  Kiev, Ukraine
  4. What are your two hobbies?  Carpentry, hunting
  5. What’s your favorite restaurant in Michigan?  Bistro Bella Vita, Grand Rapids
  6. What’s your favorite Bible character/story and why?  When the curtain of the Temple was torn in two.  I now have access to God.
  7. Tell us something about yourself that no one knows (skill, experience, sporting event, brush with greatness, close call, etc.).   Ed Sawyer is actually my brother
  8. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?  Gabe VanWormer
  9. Best concert you ever attended?  The Lumineers
  10. Most daring thing you’ve ever done?  Driving entirely too fast (ashamed to tell you mph) in a pickup truck that was entirely too old.
  11. Three books you’d want if stranded on a desert island?  How To Build A Boat, How To Gather Water, What To Eat Without Dying.
  12. What you like best about Graham Church (why you stayed)?  The people
  13. What’s your one regret?  I don’t have any.
  14. Favorite childhood memory?  Fishing with my Dad in Canada
  15. Most amazing and specific answered prayer?  New job (working less hours)
  16. Nickname and how you got it?  Red Card.  From Eric Alchin ( I guess I was a little intense as a soccer player in school).
  17. Country you want to visit some day?  Pacific Northwest, USA
  18. What song would you sing for Karaoke Night?  A Kiss To Build A Dream On, by Louis Armstrong (to my wife).
  19. What job would you do if you weren’t doing your present job?  Missionary
  20. How did you meet your spouse and honeymoon location?  Eyed her from the back of Graham Church.  Pursued her like an incurable romantic.  Williamsburg, Virginia