  1. What is your all-time favorite meal?  Fettuccine Alfredo
  2. What is your favorite book, movie, and TV series?  King Lear; Becket; the first season of Fargo
  3. What is your favorite city that you have visited?  Stratford, Ontario (Stratford Festival)
  4. What are your two hobbies?  Reading and chess
  5. What’s your favorite restaurant in Michigan?  Red Haven
  6. What’s your favorite Bible character/story and why?  Balaam and his donkey. God is so great, that he can use even a donkey to speak truth.
  7. Tell us something about yourself that no one knows (skill, experience, sporting event, brush with greatness, close call, etc.).  I’m slowly trying to learn how to play the clarinet, and I’m terrible at it, but I love how it sounds.
  8. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?  I didn’t actually meet him, but I once walked past Mel Gibson who was window shopping on a little side street in Boston.
  9. Best concert you ever attended?  Jazz concert at Lincoln Center Orchestra with Wynton Marsalis
  10. Most daring thing you’ve ever done?  I once talked to a stranger
  11. Three books you’d want if stranded on a desert island?  Assuming the Bible, Brothers Karamazov, Flannery O’Connor’s Complete Short Stories, and Don Quixote
  12. What you like best about Graham Church (why you stayed)?  The good teaching
  13. What’s your one regret?  I’ll die before I read all the books on my list
  14. Favorite childhood memory?  Getting lessons on electricity from my Grandpa
  15. Most amazing and specific answered prayer?  Both parents overcame cancer
  16. Nickname and how you got it?  Big red – from my red hair, I suppose
  17. Country you want to visit some day?  I’m not really a traveler, but maybe Russia – several favorite Russian writers
  18. What song would you sing for Karaoke Night?  Anything, but instead of the actual lyrics, I’d sing the Weird Al lyrics instead.
  19. What job would you do if you weren’t doing your present job?  Teaching, maybe?
  20. How did you meet your spouse and honeymoon location?  Worked together at Biggby Coffee; Bay Pointe Inn