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  1. What is your all-time favorite meal?  Swissed Vension, homemade noodles, homemade rolls, and turtle cake (made by my wife or mom)
  2. What is your favorite book, movie, and TV series?  Wingfeather Saga (Fiction), Crazy Love (non-fiction), Princess Bride, He-man Masters of the Universe (1980s)
  3. What is your favorite city that you have visited?  Topinabee, MI (if I am there, it means that family is with me)
  4. What are your two hobbies?  1. Anything outside with my wife and kids  2. Anything outside with my dad
  5. What’s your favorite restaurant in Michigan?  Java Joe’s (St. Ignace, MI)
  6. What’s your favorite Bible character/story and why?  David – I love 1st and  2nd Samuel
  7. Tell us something about yourself that no one knows (skill, experience, sporting event, brush with greatness, close call, etc.).  In 2001 I went off the road at over 130mph in my ‘91 Mustang 5.0 notchback while racing my brother-in-law to CHURCH…he won
  8. Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?  Gabe VanWormer
  9. Best concert you ever attended?  Ricky Skaggs
  10. Most daring thing you’ve ever done?  Asked the most amazing woman on the face of the planet to marry me (she said yes)
  11. Three books you’d want if stranded on a desert island?  The Bible (to read) and two copies of the thickest book I can find (to start fires with)
  12. What you like best about Graham Church (why you stayed)?  Clear expositional Bible teaching, theologically rich and singable song service, and a body filled with Jesus-lovers
  13. What’s your one regret?  Being a sin-filled wretch
  14. Favorite childhood memory?  Observing my Grandpa Bos at church – he would sing with everything he had (often on his tiptoes), he would always make a point of showing me that he was taking notes with one of the colorful and hokey pens that I had gifted him, he genuinely loved people and made them feel special when he saw them, he always sat next to my Grandma and had his hands on her in some loving (church appropriate) way, he was one of the first to arrive and last to leave…it was totally obvious that he loved God and God’s people. (I’m writing in past tense because this is a memory…gramps is still kicking’).
  15. Most amazing and specific answered prayer?  So many to choose from!  The most pointedly amazing, other than my own salvation, was for the salvation of a good friend.
  16. Nickname and how you got it?  BP – because I have signed my name that way since high school
  17. Country you want to visit some day?  Anywhere with my Rachel where we can spend time outside.
  18. What song would you sing for Karaoke Night?  This is horrible, but it’s gotta be Ice Ice Baby (Christian edit of course).
  19. What job would you do if you weren’t doing your present job?  I’ve always wanted to try my hand at shoe-shining.
  20. How did you meet your spouse and honeymoon location?  She was close friends with my sister at Cornerstone College; we honeymooned in Topinabee, Michigan (Mullett Lake)