One of the number one movies of all times is the Wizard of Oz. It’s no wonder why so many love this movie, the characters and the plot are captivating. The lead character, Dorthy, is far from home and and desperately longs to get home. Her infamous line is “There is no place like home .” Her desire for her home is one I should readily identify with. I should love my home and long to be there.
The home I am to yearn for, is not the home I am currently living in. As a follower of Christ, my home is heaven and I should aspire to be there. Heb. 11:16 “But as it is, they desire a better country, that is a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God; for He has prepared a city for them.” Unfortunately, I must confess, I find my affections drawn and competing for things of this world, not heaven.
Why do I find my heart satisfied in this world when I am to be a“stranger” and “alien”? I have a bad case of spiritual amnesia. I forget Who bought me, Who I am to live for, and where I am to set my heart. (I Co. 6:20, Matt. 6:21) I am near-sighted, earthly minded, and temporarily satisfied.
How do I live in this world, and yet realize “There is no place like home ” a.k.a. heaven? I must ask myself two questions:
What am I thinking about?
What I can buy.
What makes me comfortable.
What pleases me.
What I want.
What am I doing?
Serving myself.
Doing what is easy for me.
Working to fill my bank account.
Collecting things for myself.
“There is no place like home.”. Php. 3:20 “For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we eagerly await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.” I must always think about where (be far-sighted) my home is and live my life anxiously awaiting that home as I live for the One who bought me.